
Uh Oh

Some dark corner of my soul has been re-awakened by an article posted on Fark.com of all places. Other Dimensions might soon be detected.

You might not understand this, but I am a closet physicist. And while I might not understand all the math (ok, none of the math) I do grasp the concepts of hyperdimensional physics, and am able to easily extrapolate them further than any sane individual would.

The words "string theory" perked up some long dark corner deep inside me. Something I had forgotten about for a while.

I can ramble on and on about "phase variance" and "material transferance" and your eyes would glaze over, you would walk away slowly. Its not for everyone, I understand.. but forgive me if I lapse from time to time into DeepThought (42) and pull a rabbit out of a brick.

Yes, you heard me. And yes, it's entirely possible.

Thats the beauty of quantuum hyperdimensional physics. Everything is possible, you just have to explain it.

For example: You have been told since you were young, "We are all stardust." And yes, it's true. We are. The very same particles that make us individual were not created just for us - the spirit that makes them move, love, laugh, and live - thats an entirely other matter. But the physical being known as you is the very same substance (recombined) that created worlds. Galaxies.

We are all stardust.

Photons fall at an alarming rate through the universe, this way and that. While you read this, there are most likely billions of them passing directly through your body. Slamming into your head at alarming speeds, and passing right out your feet (if your standing). Now, the question is - do they simply pass through, or is there displacement?

A single photon can be the catylist for massive change, on the order of an atomic reaction - or can pass un-noticed through the world. We know photons carry weight, albeit minimal on a level most of us can't comprehend, but they do have weight.

So as I said, do they displace, or simply pass through?

And what about that there "dark matter"? The very essence of the universe? Well, I can't answer all those questions, but I can theorize. But I will attempt to restrain myself. However, if you seek more logical and studious information, I would like to direct your attention to Michio Kaku.
/> can explain particle and string physics like you would tell someone how to get from here to there. Simply and definitively.

Anyway - Im off to go collect some photons and dream a little string...


Anonymous said...

Ow!, so that's the phampton pain in the neck, that photon passing through huh!

I'd say the emphasis in this piece is on "sane," as in "whaa!."

--from another believer

Anonymous said...

Hi, Roanoake.
Science in history, science in politics, science in the war on terror. Science is everywhere. It's the rock and roll star of academia these days. There is, of course, more than enough science in fiction. In fact, there exists a novel that embraces string theory as a means of contacting the dead. No, really. It's called "The Pink Room" and it can be found at www.marklaflamme.com