
News from The Roanoke Times -Museum breaks ground in symbolic ceremony

WDBJ's coverage.

WSLS's coverage.

Note to all reporting this story: You can't have "Standing Room Only" when your outdoors, in an unrestricted space.

And so begins the "Crack by the Track" saga. I could lambast the VIP's because they are wrong, but I won't. You know what I would say anyway. But the first, easiest, and most visable sign of trouble: They had Mimes.

This is Roanoke people. Yes we had the NASCAR Ballet, and the Wall Ballet, and sometimes we do get a bit nutty with things. But under no circumstances are Mimes acceptable. And these "living paintings"? Just creepy. Nice to see they blew money to have the dirt trucked in like that, now when does construction start?

Oh there will be more.. So much more.. but its Sunday, 9/11.

We have other, more important things to worry about.

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