
Breaking news from The Roanoke Times -Roanoke mayor calls for greater business role in politics

Breaking news from The Roanoke Times -Roanoke mayor calls for greater business role in politics: "It takes more than more than talking about what you do not like — it requires action to cause what you do like to happen.'"

Yes, Im a little late with this - but kudos to Mayor Harris. Those are words for people in all sectors to live by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just saw this article also. I have comments on it but I will keep that to myself right now. I do find it interesting. Especially with the potential closing of Fire Station #1. The real reason I came over here tonight was to comment on a past post and I did not feel like searching through everything. Check out this:http://members.cox.net/sgravely/sixtysix.htm

I thought maybe you were looking for this at one point in time. I would have emailed you but my wife is on my comp. So I'm on the other one without all the info.