
Makes me wanna holler, throw up both my hands....

Sorry I've been away on bidness - but seriously.. considering the news today maybe I should have been.

I'll have much more to say later, look for a good - some might even say decent, post by Friday.

And kudos to Valerie Garner, hopefully when I enter the race (and I will, just not this go-round) I'll get some kudos from her.

Yes, dear fans - I will not be announcing this go-round. Obligations and responsibilities prevent me from being the belligerent candidate you know I can be.

Next time, however...

I wonder if there is a precedent for someone announcing over 2 years in advance? Oh well, don't think about it for now. But remember it in a few years.

I'll still be around, you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why wait!

Of course there is a natural answer to that. IF there is a slate of 4 "independents" (forget Lockhard) plus Valerie, then there are already too many, so any others just water down the probabilities. If anything was learned from the last elections you are not going to beat Harris that way. IMO what is needed is one very good council candidate (Valerie) and one very good candidate for Mayor (????).