
Lame. Just Lame.

Roanoke City Council to discuss Mill Mountain and Victory Stadium site in private
City land will be discussed -- legally -- behind closed doors.

I get it. Really, I do. What business would want plans openly debated, for the special interests to rip apart?

In the case of the missing Amphitheater, I really don't care what they discuss behind closed doors. The city will use it's secondary official mouthpiece (the Roanoke Times) to release whatever they want you to see. Pretty images, and little else.

But the Mill Mountain issue is far more important to the future of Roanoke than the Amphitheater. It's the difference between meeting behind closed doors because you need to, and because you can. The definition of "public good" is not all that wide, and in a situation like this I think the benefits of having an open process (especially when the process has been viewed as tainted as this one is) far outweigh any illusionary need for secrecy. One proposal, thats all you have. That's a pretty clear indicator that no other business thinks this is a good idea. As a matter of fact, I would not be surprised if no other business was strong enough to bear the ill will it would receive should it build atop Mill Mt.

Disposition of public property is one thing, disposition of public parks? Well, now thats another thing entirely.

Dear Prudence.... teach these mortals what they cannot know. How to be effective governors.

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