

Yep - Im bored.

Now that Forgotten-Roanoke is a year old, and the blog slightly older than that (there was a previous version you never saw), I'd like to thank all the loverly folk that help make it possible. My wife.

The library

The Internet

Clare White (if she is even still around)

And a whole cast of others, including the fine people who once drew up the Sanborne maps, which provide me with leads on a daily basis.

I have recently acquired some more "recent" materials, which should lead to some interesting finds in the coming weeks and months, if you consider 40 years old recent.

The revamp of the website is underway and rolling. You'll see it when its done, no Beta rollout, no black screen during downtimes. Plus, I'll be providing a host of resources over at my new Googlepage, which I hope will become a hub for the greater Roanoke community. Well, a hub of sorts. You'll see.

Until then, you have to deal with me being on again off again with the blog, the weekly podcast (provided I can get it to upload - still working on last weeks.. )


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Keith. Keep the information flowing.