
News from The Roanoke Times - Disgust and delight over design

"'I think they’ll grow to love it as it comes out of the ground. It’s a great thing for the city.'"

No, its not the World's Largest Potato, its that friggin Art Museum again.

RT is apparently now doing polls every day, which mean nothing really - its supposed to show how Roanoke thinks of projects.

All its showing is exactly everything they had reported on previously.

These polls mean nothing really, and for 34 percent of respondents to not even be familiar with the AMWV in general, the results are even less valid.

I would like to see the script for this poll, as I have a feeling it was somewhat leading in the layout.

Oh - and a 4% margin of error? Why?

From the article: "Marybeth Romeo seemed equally conflicted. When the pollster called about the design, "I think I said it was atrocious," the substitute school teacher recalled. Still, "I’m glad they’re doing it," she said. "I’d rather have an ugly art museum than no art museum at all."

Where did they get the idea that if the museum was not built, the current AMWV would close? Or do they just not realize we HAVE a museum?

Still predicting disaster. oh yes I am - with a 3% tub of margerine.

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