
Maybe Im trying to take on too much here

But Im wondering if anyone around here has seen Wikipedia? The user edited (yes, I said USER edited) online encyclopedia.

Anyone, anywhere, at any time can make a entry, correction, add an image, delete a lie.

Heres my thought:


A totally interactive text of Roanoke itself. Updated 24/7/365. 100% live.

Imagine your curious as to how traffic is downtown on Campbell, you go to WikiRoanoke and someone who is on Campbell has posted that traffic is ok. That post was made 5 minutes ago.

Flooding a problem on Franklin Rd? Well, now you can (eventually) go to WikiRoanoke and the Fire Dept. can post real time conditions for the traffic. Impromptu festival of acoustic guitarists, organized on WikiRoanoke.

Its an idea - maybe even an eventuality. But DAMN is it hard to find info on coding.

(plus its server side, and I dont know if Cox allows such things - but Im migrating soon enough)


Anonymous said...

I've heard of Wikipedia and wondered what other uses it could have and I think you have come up with a great one. I fear that it would end up like many messageboards, unused.

RoanokeFound said...

well, considering its user edited, so its not just a messageboard - if you look at the wikipedia main organization


You'll see its a multi-lever, user-driven, well - source really. Source for just about everything. Media, news, defenitions, images, whatnot.

I've started a rudimentary version as a group-blog. Everyone has admin powers, so the entries can be edited, commented on, added to.. all that. Its working allright so far, with only 4 members - not much can really go wrong.

Im still hunting for a wiki source, and have yet to actually find one.

Anyway - thanks for the comments.