
Editorials from The Roanoke Times -Assault on the media

Editorials from The Roanoke Times -Assault on the media

Oh my god. Shut up.

Yeah - there's now a Vast Rightwing Conspiracy against the media?

This is going to get exhausting real quick. Having to listen to the death rattles of the "established media."
Quote: "In the manufactured uproar over a retracted Newsweek story about the alleged desecration of the Quran at the Guantnamo Bay detention center, a few inconvenient facts have been conveniently ignored by all the president's men."

"Not until 10 days after publication, when the riots turned deadly, did the Pentagon call for a retraction. "

Yeah - the Pentagon wanted 17 people to die over a false story, not to mention that the Pentagon "... had an opportunity to fact check..." the story before publication. So the Pentagon spotted the lies, and figured - screw it, let them run it. Believable? *removes brain* TOTALLY!

more nonsense: "The undermining of the media ranges from the constant drumbeat on talk radio - Rush Limbaugh explicitly called mainstream media "anti-American" on Tuesday - to the Bush administration's hiring of friendly "journalistic" commentators to advocate its policies and production of "politicommercials" disguised as newscasts, all at taxpayer expense."

So, Rush is no longer allowed an opinion on the media as a MEMBER of the media? And the Bush administration hiring journalists to pump certain programs is bad, but nevermind the fact that Bush had to HIRE what Clinton got for free. I guess if your paying for it, its a bad thing.

This mind-numbing op/ed piece ends with these 2 paragraphs: "The attack on Newsweek has every appearance of being part and parcel of this strategy, and the consequences are chilling. As Bill Moyers said Sunday at a conference on media reform in St. Louis:

"An unconscious people, an indoctrinated people, a people fed only partisan information and opinion that confirm their own bias, a people made morbidly obese in mind and spirit by the junk food of propaganda is less inclined to put up a fight - ask questions and be skeptical."

First off Bill Moyers is a well known political loonie. Im not sure who he is referring to, but I know I dont follow blindly any singular news source, but rather read several stories - look deep within myself to see how I feel about it, and then decide a standpoint.

I am certainly not 'unconcious' or 'morbidly obese in mind and spirit', I am highly skeptical and very questioning. But thats besides the point.

ANOTHER unsigned editorial in the Roanoke Times which is apparently written for a very narrow audience who have no grounding in reality.

Oh, and theres another peice about Jerry Kilgore.

Hey - Times? What about some LOCAL issues making your editorial column? I mean - you are a local paper are you not?

Just askin'

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