
News from The Roanoke Times -Carolina Oak II may replace historic fallen tree

To which I say: bravo. And without a doubt Im sure some punks will come and mess with it, because thats what they do. And someday a car might hit it, because people tend not to pay attention to these things when they are small. And someone might actually even attempt to steal the tree itself, because it seems par for the course.

But thats ok, we've got plenty of trees. And eventually, someone gonna get their ass kicked for messing with it - and thats when the tree will be fully part of Roanoke. When we protect it like family.

Back 50 years ago, it was just a tree in the road till the city came and tried to take it out. Then it became family.

It had been hit by drunk and careless drivers before on a few occasions, but it stood - so it was no big deal. But when they tried to take it away, thats when it became a big deal.

Go and buy about 5 white oaks Roanoke Parks and Rec - you might need them before this tree takes root in our family.

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